The sky is the limit in Saskatchewan!

May 6, 2013

For Immediate Release

May 6, 2013

REGINA – National executive members of the Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission traveled to the Land of Living Skies this weekend to re-establish the commission at the re-founding AGM on May 4th at the Travelodge Hotel & Conference Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan.

“The atmosphere at the re-launch of the Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission (Saskatchewan) was amazing! People are taking notice of what the APC is doing across the country and interest continues to grow—the APC (SK) AGM was further demonstration of this progress.” said Chad Cowie, national Co-Chair of the APC. “We’re very excited to work with our new president in Saskatchewan to achieve our shared goals of making positive change with our people and for our communities; and we will continue to develop positive relationships to ensure increased indigenous representation in Ottawa.”

The following indigenous Liberal members were elected and/or acclaimed at the Annual General Meeting:

  • Reina Sinclair, President, APC (SK);
  • Lisa Abbott, Women’s Representative, APC (SK);
  • Ray Fox, Southern Regional Representative, APC (SK).

“Now, more than ever, Aboriginal people can influence the Canadian federal process—the APC has identified 7 ridings in the province where our people can dramatically change the political landscape” explains Reina Sinclair, president of the APC (SK). “Now, we just have to work at getting our people to realize this and vote. I am very excited to work with our new executive, the Liberal Party of Canada in Saskatchewan, and our new leader, Justin Trudeau, to achieve this vision.”

The Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission, which was created in 1990, represents and promotes the interests of Aboriginal members of the Liberal Party and encourages the active and equitable participation of all Aboriginal people at all levels of the Party structure.

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For more information on the Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission, contact:

Kevin Seesequasis
Vice-President (Communications)
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