Statement: Congratulations Michèle Audette, president of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)

August 29, 2012

For Immediate Release

August 29, 2012

OTTAWA – The Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada released the following statement today:

The Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada congratulates Ms. Michèle Audette, the newly elected president of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC).

The NWAC was founded in 1974 by 13 Aboriginal women across Canada with a goal to preserve Aboriginal culture, achieve equality for Aboriginal women, and have a say in the shaping of legislation directly affecting Aboriginal women. The NWAC is a national Aboriginal organization with offices in several provincial/territorial member associations.

Ms. Audette formerly served as the president for the Quebec Native Women Incorporated and also as Deputy Minister in the status of Women Ministry in Quebec.

The APC looks forward to building a strong relationship based on trust, mutual understanding and respect with Ms. Audette and the NWAC.


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For more information on the Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission, contact:

Kevin Seesequasis
Vice-President (Communications)
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