NOTE: The name of the commission was changed from the Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission to the Indigenous Peoples’ Commission at the IPC AGM at the LPC Biennial Convention in May, 2016. Preamble of the Constitution of the Indigenous Peoples’ Commission BELIEVING in the right of all Aboriginal people to participate in the political process in Canada in order to achieve a just and equitable position for Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian society; COMMITTED to the socio-economic betterment of Aboriginal people and the recognition of the Aboriginal and treaty right of Aboriginal peoples, including the inherent right of self-determination; DEDICATED to the creation of a caring society and healthy environment in which all peoples may peacefully flourish in harmony with our Mother the Earth, so as to ensure a place for our generations to come; BELIEVING that the philosophy and ideology of the Liberal Party of Canada is compatible with the aspirations of Aboriginal people and best suited to accommodate the interests of Aboriginal peoples in Canada; and, THEREFORE the hereinafter described organization is constituted as a commission of the Liberal Party of Canada with the principal objectives of representing and promoting the interests of Aboriginal Peoples within the Liberal Party of Canada and encouraging the active participation of Aboriginal people at all levels within the Party. To Download our Charter, click here!